3M™ SOFLEX™ Diamond Polishing System Kit

Original price was: ₹5,530.00.Current price is: ₹4,050.00.

Imparts paste-like gloss in the convenience of a rubberized system.
Unique, flexible shape adapts to all tooth surfaces.
Multi-use, can be sterilized and reused.

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The 3M􀀼 Sof-Lex􀀼 Diamond Polishing System is a two-step, multi-use polishing system.

The spirals use the same mandrel as 3M􀀼 Sof-Lex􀀼 Finishing and Polishing Discs.

The spirals are made with either aluminum oxide or diamond particles impregnated
in a thermoplastic elastomer.

The 3M􀀼 Sof-Lex Diamond Polishing Spiral (pink) is indicated for 􀀳nal high-gloss

The unique 􀁅bristle􀁆 shape is adapted for 3M Oral Care from the patented radial bristle
disc design developed by the 3M Abrasives Division. This technology allows for:
􀁇 a continuous supply of mineral to work surfaces
􀁇 a variety of grits, diameters and thicknesses
􀁇 a 􀁁exible instrument that conforms to varied surfaces
􀁇 the instrument to generate minimal heat during use
3M Oral Care optimized this design for dental applications.
The two abrasive spirals:
􀁇 Adapt to all tooth surfaces, eliminating the use of multiple tools
(shapes) for a single purpose-to 􀀳t various contours
􀁇 Can be used on anterior and posterior restorations
􀁇 Beige-smoothes and removes scratches
􀁇 Pink-polishes the restoration to a high diamond paste-like
gloss for a natural-looking surface


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